
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday - It's a new day. Everyday is a New day.

It's Friday and i'm glad.  I don't know why...I just am.  It's as ordinary as any other day though.  Nothing major happening today and nothing minor either.  I'm trying to give a much needed face lift to several pieces of furniture.  I'll attach before and after picutres later.  I just finished a cabinet that someone gave me off of freecycle and it actually looks pretty good.  I went to Home Depot yesterday and although I specifically wrote down how many knobs i would need i purchased "1" less than I needed......Ahhhh Sondee's world.  Even notes to self don't always get through to me!!

So what I'm doing now is painting 2 end tables that I have had for like almost 14 years!!  I can still remember when and where I bought them though!  I got them from the Salvation Army in Alabaster, Alabama.  I did try to fancy them up at one time with some copper glaze but yeah...that didn't turn out so well.  Lucky for me when we moved to Fayetteville in '03 I made friends with this absolutely gorgeous woman who did Faux Painting.  I mean whatever she touched turned to gorgeous!!  I wish I had learned more from her.  I was just and never will be as good as she was.  I do believe she was just naturally gifted with mixing colors and seeing what others could not in piece of furniture...or colors for a wall or cabinet.  Just amazing. 

Anyway,  I'm painting.  Actually I've been painting in this house since maybe '09 - we moved here in Dec of  '08.  First I did the powder bath downstairs.  I painted the hideous stamped ceiling with a brown then copper glaze to make it look like it was that fancy tin stuff that i could neve afford.  I painted the cabinets a chocolate brown and then a light copper glaze on that as well.  Heck I even painted the sink fixture so it looke antique :)  I then painted the walls which my oldest son said looked like Monkey Poo but after I finished putting it all together and hung things on the wall and then fininshed it up with a throw rug that had a splash of color in it, I felt pretty proud of myself.  Nothing close to what my friend would have done. (I believe hideous was the word she used most often when i decorated or chose to paint something on my own lol) I am a total amature compared to how she does things but she was so sweet to me anyway and told me it looked good...ahhhhh i miss her.

I hurt my back pretty hardcore back in 09 and was unable to work for a while.  I thought maybe I could paint my dining room with all the extra time I had since I couldn't do anything else but that was a huge mistake.  What normally would have taken me about a week to accomplish took almost a month because of my injury.  But I finished it. Finally.  I painted the top of the wall a soft brown and the bottom i fauxed with random colors of brown, black, bronze and copper, and then stenciled fleu de lis at random spots in different shades of metallic i like brown!!

In November '10 I decided to paint the wals and cabinets in my kitchen.  Lawdy Lawdy!!  Another huge project not meant for someone like me.  I did finish the walls but the cabinets to this day still have an off white primer on them.  They will be next I assure you.  I mixed the paint for them today...hey...i know i bought the paint months ago...1 step at a time!!  By the way, I only buy oops paint.  Sometimes you get the greatest colors and deals at Lowe's and Home Depot.  Usually on like $5 a can!!  I've even lucked up and found metallic paint for that price as well as some Venetian plaster's orange..i'll figure that one out later too!

So back to the end tables.  I've based coated them a suede tan color and and then maybe i'll do a darker brown then a black glaze or something.  I just am not sure yet.  I'll try to post up some before and after pictures of everything later.  The next dilemma I plan on addressing is the kitchen table i have.  i think its mahogany or a laminate mahongany and it's a bit to big for my kitchen so I'm thinking about amputating it's legs and turning it into coffee table.  Any ideas?  I have to repaint it anyway so I figure why not?

Other things going on...

Still waiting on the Temporary Child Support to be signed by the Judge.  Then the attorneys will hash out the Permanent Support Order which will have the extracurricular activities added in.  The "X" stopped paying child support back in April of 09.  He actually called my daughter while we were at Disney World to tell her that he would no longer be paying child support.  Can you believe it?  She was only 11 at the time...and he called her instead of me. He even laughed about it.  He was suppose to pay $910 a month starting in Aug of 09 but never did.  I had not been able to afford an attorney for the longest and then after the stress of winning then having a decision overturned by the "Xs" new attorney I finally buckled and asked for help.  I got a loan and hired an attorney.  She has been pretty awesome but the process has still been a long drawn out one.  I hired her back in Aug of '10.  We just finally got to court in March of this year.  The madness of it all.  What is ironic is all we ever ask for was the $910 a month. The attorney fees that the "X" has had to pay in the last 3 years equals way more than what he would have had to pay in child support.  I'm not even joking.  So his vindictiveness has cost him more than what he would have ever had to pay.  That is truly sad.  During the whole process of my attorney gathering of information to determine what child support should be set at  (because it is based on what both he and I make) we found that he makes over $150,000 a year and then there are bonuses on top of that.  That's just what he makes and doesn't include what she makes which never factors in to the child support amount since it is my and his daughter.  My attorney also went through his bank statements which shows on a monthly basis they eat which totals from $500-$1200 any given month!  I've also heard rumors that they send random letters to friends and family for financial support as well and claim that they can't afford the exorbitant amount of child support and to pay the rent of the house they live in. They have begged and borrowed money as though they were paupers. Gone on vacations and cruises all at the expense of someone else. I don't know how they could do that and live guilt free.  It just amazes me. I could never do that.  We have struggled to make ends meet but I know that we are still living a blessed life and God carries us through each day. What else is sad is the constant lies that he and his new wife (Oh did I forget to mention her?  yeah...they got married 10 days after the divorce...uh huh...he had been seeing her since I think July or August of 08 - you want to know who introduced them...the"X's" mother..yeah.... I know - she was someone that i had turned to for help...someone who I had admired...someone who I had thought was a wonderful gracious Christian woman..her parents were missionaries and everything..yeah...another story/rant we'll explore later)..anyway back to the lies he and his wife tell...Rumor has it that I demanded $2400+ a month in child support and I would take nothing less...hmmmm  I wish lol.  That would be nice though.  After 22+ years of marriage to this creature I learned that "demands' are something HE makes...not something he listens to.  So anyway now that we have a temp order with a small arrearage that will only date back to the time the "X' got a job in March of ’10, I seem greedy...right?  Go figure.  He started paying like $300 twice month starting in June of '10.  Not regularly, and if I asked for it to be on time (suppose to be on the 1st and the 15th) oh that would set them off.  At Christmas I asked him if he could please send the support by the 15th so we could have money for the daughter for Christmas and he smugly stated that since I asked he would send it on the 29th.  He was true to his word for once.  We got it in Jan '11. 

I finally got the first small temp child support check early April and I took my daughter to the beach.  It was glorious.  We had not been to the beach in so long.  The beach is just an serene oasis for me.  My fondest memory is of my daddy taking me to the beach.  We had the best time. Just me and Shayla and her friend from school and her friends Mom who is now a friend of mine.  It was such a beautiful 4 days.

So I am waiting for all this court mess to sort out, trying to stay busy.  Learning to survive everyday.  I say everyday because Everyday is a new day.

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